A week in Openverse: 2023-02-13 – 2023-02-20

Merged PRs

#418: Update sync to account changes to PR template path

#407: Change ‘Reverted’ to ‘Rollback’ in project docs

#406: Remove front matter from project proposal template

#405: Fix authenticated logins for the label PR action

#402: Update actions/checkout action to v3

#401: Restore the functionality of the weekly Make post

#398: Bump ipython from 8.3.0 to 8.10.0 in /automations/python

#396: Fix project automation logic around closed PRs

#366: Proposal: Openverse project process

Closed issues

#414: Remove the old header code

#413: Add option to sort search results by created_on

#276: Omit issues with closed PRs of moving to the “In Progress” column in the project board

Merged PRs

#994: Add an “Airflow Alert” issue template

#969: Add dayshift to tsv filenames for reingestion workflows

Closed issues

#1000: Jobe Alert


#768: Load_data steps for `image` skipped during Wikimedia reingestion

#766: Update to new version of Phylopic API

#689: Investigate converting iNaturalist to an incremental DAG

#684: inaturalist data quality: issue warning with missing photo ids

Merged PRs

#1144: Add screen to API Docker image

#1143: Bump django from 4.1.6 to 4.1.7 in /api

#1142: Add API rollback workflow

#1141: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

#1140: Bump ipython from 8.9.0 to 8.10.0 in /api

#1139: Bump ipython from 8.9.0 to 8.10.0 in /ingestion_server

#916: Add option to sort search results by `created_on`

Merged PRs

#2192: Simplify `get-translations.js` and add error handling and fallbacks

#2191: Add a directive for translators to not translate Netherlands

#2190: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

#2188: Download translations in bulk to prevent GlotPress throttling

#2187: Use aria-label for WordPress affiliation link

#2185: Move the sidebar in the DOM order

#2184: Reduce GlotPress limit further to ensure all languages

#2180: Add “skip to content” links to the homepage and the 404 page; fix footer role

#2178: Add “skip to content link” to the Single result pages

#2177: Use h1 for the main heading on the homepage

#2172: Make translations more reliably present in all environments

#2169: Update common’s size estimate to 2.5 billion

#2162: Remove the unused old header code

#2146: Remove the searchBy creator filter from the filters list

#2134: Fix the Search Help (Syntax Guide) links

Closed issues

#2189: Add translator note for Dutch translation of `search-guide.example.prefix.content`

#2183: Improve accessibility of the WordPress link in the footer

#2182: Expanding the filters sidebar does not focus a screen reader on the filters section

#2179: Default layout should not nest `footer` inside `main`

#2176: The first heading on the home page should be `h1`

#2170: Not all locales show up in picker

#2163: Remove the `old_header` code

#2125: Keyboard navigation to the footer on the search page is impossible

#2116: Syntax Guide page links don’t work

#1344: Creator filter is unclear

Merged PRs

#379: Deploy API 2.7.6

#376: Include Make-related secrets in Terraform

#375: Update API email address to openverse.org

#373: Update @dhruvkb‘s SSH key in `globally_authorized_keys`

#372: Sync config with actual infra

#371: Include deployment secrets in `WordPress/openverse`

#370: Add note about nuxt memory usage after deploy

#357: Add CloudWatch agent to API boxes

Closed issues

#338: Update API email address to use openverse.org

#openverse, #week-in-openverse

This post was originally published on Make Openverse by Dhruv Bhanushali.

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