A week in Openverse: 2023-04-17 – 2023-04-24

Merged PRs

#1865: Dispatch deployment workflows from infrastructure repository

#1856: Add `catalog/recreate` just command and remove a file

#1854: Include frontend in the `load-img` action

#1853: Pass `–fix` option to Ruff in pre-commit

#1852: Update Python code to use Python 3.11

#1850: Expand docs on proof-of-functionality and add some customisation

#1846: Overhaul documentation organisation

#1845: Removed comment from pre-commit-config.yaml

#1839: Pick specific issue templates to sync

#1830: Publish changelog for api-2023.

#1829: Consolidate all transient dev container dirs for the catalog

#1828: Remove the unused draft release workflow and add catalog to release app workflow

#1827: Update frontend Dockerfile to use same release ARG as API

#1822: Fix `pgcli` just commands for the api and catalog

#1821: Bump filelock from 3.10.7 to 3.12.0 in /ingestion_server

#1815: Try to prevent additional issues with writing the changelogs to file

#1814: Update permissions of deployment steps in the Release workflow

#1813: Publish changelog for api-2023.

#1812: Only use upstream thumbs with photon for SMK, for now

#1809: Increase photon request timeout

#1807: Update how `psycopg2` errors are referenced

#1806: Fix the hammer emoji

#1802: Fix typo in github link

#1801: Bump boto3 from 1.26.104 to 1.26.115 in /ingestion_server

#1253: Fix focus rings

#1227: Use `pytest.ini` and add `pytest-sugar`

#1225: Deduce Python/Node.js/pnpm version in Docker images

#1215: Bump psycopg2 from 2.9.5 to 2.9.6 in /ingestion_server

#1214: Bump sentry-sdk from 1.18.0 to 1.19.1 in /api

#1213: Bump sentry-sdk from 1.18.0 to 1.19.1 in /ingestion_server

Closed issues

#1844: Remove `catalog/requirements_tooling.txt`

#1841: Remove template warning from pre-commit files

#1840: Pass `–fix` option to `ruff` in pre-commit

#1820: TLDS cache directory is not available for the catalog

#1817: Overhaul documentation site information architecture

#1811: Source thumbnails sent to photon are too small

#1810: Add Pygments vue-lexer extension to docs site to support vue syntax highlighting in codeblocks

#1804: Consider moving Swagger docs into the general documentation site

#1252: Focus ring has an extra border if an element has a transparent border

#1235: Update link to `wordpress.github.io/openverse` docs on API documentation site

#1200: Treat 403 from flickr as a dead link

#1196: Add new `create_and_populate_filtered_index` action to ingestion server

#1189: Release drafter removes words inside back tick quotes when creating a PR

#1148: Extract Python scripts out of GitHub workflows

#1081: Analytics event: `COPY_ATTRIBUTION`

#1080: Analytics event: `GET_MEDIA`

#998: Document CI + CD workflow

#791: Safe content browsing flow

#409: Replace hard-coded pnpm version with the value from package.json

#384: Switch to Monorepo

#1314: Rijksmuseum

#1350: Rijksmuseum

#1395: Rijksmuseum

#1396: Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium (TTC)

#1433: Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium (TTC)

#1351: Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium (TTC)

#1352: Texas Lutheran University Herbarium (TLU-TLU)

#1434: Texas Lutheran University Herbarium (TLU-TLU)

#1397: Texas Lutheran University Herbarium (TLU-TLU)

#1401: Capture thumbnails for Rawpixel

Merged PRs

#1105: Monorepo archive notice

Closed issues

#319: Creator-level denylist

Merged PRs

#478: Fix event name getting in deploy workflows; add deployment secrets to infra repo

#475: Make deployment workflows dispatchable from infrastructure repository

#473: Update required checks based on monorepo

#471: Set dashboard default view to previous 3 days

#469: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

#466: Limit API max deployment percentage to only one additional task

#464: Add basic lint checks

Closed issues

#463: API service configured to deploy all tasks at once rather than one-by-one

#462: Move deployment workflow output into the .github/workflows directory and dispatch them in this repo instead of monorepo

#436: Document basics of Cloudflare Analytics traffic analysis

#openverse, #week-in-openverse

This post was originally published on Make Openverse by Dhruv Bhanushali.

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