A week in Openverse: 2023-08-14 – 2023-08-21

Merged PRs

#2842: Unexpose port 3000 from API Dockerfile

#2837: Prevent in commit titles from breaking dag-sync slack message

#2832: Run API and Ingestion Server tests with all relevant ES versions

#2830: Bump tornado from 6.3.2 to 6.3.3 in /documentation

#2829: Publish changelog for api-2023.

#2828: Publish changelog for frontend-2023.

#2827: Remove reference to tailwind config viewer from docs

#2826: Extract use-external-sources composable

#2822: polyfill flatMap for Chrome < 69

#2821: Fix VImageCell storybook test

#2819: Update popularity refresh schedule and timeouts

#2817: Adjust the date filter in Europeana to pull updates rather than created records

#2808: Set API Dockerfile run to production config

#2783: Replace request mocks with pook in tests

#2777: Remove `body` from the index.update elasticsearch requests

#2748: Bump apache-airflow[amazon,http,postgres] from 2.6.2 to 2.6.3 in /catalog

#2737: Fix mobile header spacing

#2660: Custom ESLint plugin to Skip Unit Tests if Preceded by Comment with Github Issue Link

#2647: Show individual doc differences for rendered documentation preview on PRs

#2637: Project Proposal: Openverse Datasets

#2490: JavaScript to TypeScript

Closed issues

#2825: Extract use-external-sources as a composable

#2820: Storybook visual-regression/v-image-cell.spec.ts:19:9 › VImageCell › intrinsic loaded test is flaky

#2785: Embed the production run command in the dockerfile rather than relying on ECS to override it

#2776: The elasticsearch-py is deprecating `body` parameter in index.update calls in version 9

#2745: Error when cleaning up vueuse event handlers on Chrome 68 TypeError: n.flatMap is not a function

#2646: Add a list of (changed) rendered files to the "docs emitted" PR comment

#2573: Custom ESLint plugin to allow skipped unit tests only if there is a comment attached to the test with a GitHub issue link

#2342: Use TypeScript for Tailwind config

#2092: Update the `popularity_refresh` DAG schedule and timeouts

#1909: Remove Sphinx live view port forwarded to API container

#1862: Add better error handling and reporting to the PR review reminders DAG

#1268: Update Europeana to ingest by timestamp_updated

Merged PRs

#588: Use built in API run command

#586: Update org Terraform lock file

#578: Use docker-compose for indexer worker, other init improvements

Closed issues

#576: Convert indexer worker init into docker-compose format

#openverse, #week-in-openverse

This post was originally published on Make Openverse by dhruvkb.

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