A week in Openverse: 2023-11-20 – 2023-11-27

Merged PRs

#3395: Drop separate download fallback

#3394: Use the `ACCESS_TOKEN` secret instead of `GITHUB_TOKEN`

#3392: Really fix import path for `.mjs` files

#3390: Fix path to automation `.mjs` files

#3381: Fix dynamically excluded providers caching

#3376: Publish changelog for api-2023.

#3375: Implementation of project board automations

#3372: Publish changelog for frontend-2023.

#3369: Add middleware to log application name and verification status

#3366: Add Elasticsearch Airflow provider

#3364: Add project planning voting boxplot generation script

#3363: Fix delete_records slack formatting

#3024: Add aiohttp client sharing

#3020: Add ADRF and make the thumbnail view async

Closed issues

#3380: Dynamically filtered providers cache is set incorrectly

#3374: Implementation of the project automation changes

#3368: Add response headers and nginx logging to identify requests and registered applications used for a request

#3355: Fix axios integration for axios 1.x upgrade

#3342: Not all tags normalised to lower case

#3189: Add logging & tallying for deep pagination

#2788: Use a shared `aiohttp.ClientSession` rather than creating a new one per-request

#2436: `get-translations.js` logs raw error to console with explanation despite the case being handled just fine

#2371: Add Airflow Connections for Elasticsearch clusters

#2370: Add Elasticsearch Airflow Provider

#2348: Write a prettier plugin that formats admonition blocks as markdown

#2246: Add Django request ID to nginx log output

#2245: Nginx configuration logs structured (JSON) and unstructured output for every event

#1929: Add talkback for events API in playwright

#1831: `visual-regression/v-checkbox.spec.ts:47:9 › v-checkbox › default › on` is flaky

#1161: Flaky playwright test `visual-regression/pages/pages-single-result.spec.ts:30:13`

#949: Switch to Caddy for API reverse proxy to simplify configuration

#464: Focus outline in media type selection dropdown is cropped on the right

#483: Failure comment is not removed after successful re-run

#514: Add a "Redeploy to current version" checkbox to the Rollback workflow

#516: Add link to staging deployment workflow run on PRs

#293: RFC Request: API unit and integration testing

#1477: PR review DAG pinging on PRs with requested changes

#1481: Clean up all previous indexes after successfully switching to a new one during data refresh

#685: Record dead link stats in a queryable way

#285: Workflow to run the load testing script against staging API

#686: Store dead links in database and expose an API endpoint that the catalog can pull from

#528: User agent string information reduction in Chrome

#540: Update TESTING_GUIDELINES.md to include instructions on how to run the test suite.

#544: Disable Renovate for pnpm dependencies and enable Dependabot instead

Merged PRs

#695: Use different jumphost port mappings based on environments

#687: Bump ingestion server version to rel-2023.

Closed issues

#683: Investigate pagination depth for Elasticsearch queries

#679: Capture Elasticsearch queries during response time spike

#535: Use more distinct/obvious/harder-to-accidentally-misuse ports for mapping staging and production infrastructure locally

#openverse, #week-in-openverse

This post was originally published on Make Openverse by dhruvkb.

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