A week in Openverse: 2024-02-26 – 2024-03-04

Merged PRs

#3861: Update dependency fakeredis to v2.21.1

#3859: Update dependency @playwright/test to v1.42.0

#3858: Update workflows

#3856: Update dependency pook to v1.4.3

#3855: Update dependency elasticsearch to v8.12.1

#3854: Update Node.js to v18.19.1

#3851: Use GitHub script to handle JSON escaping in Slack message

#3849: Remove references to api-dev

#3839: Publish changelog for ingestion_server-2024.

#3838: Publish changelog for api-2024.

#3837: Rename verbose plural "mature" to "sensitive" in API admin

#3834: Add Free Music Archive to external sources in the frontend

#3829: Publish changelog for frontend-2024.

#3828: Make User-Agent a default header

#3826: Extend Europeana timeout

#3811: Turn analytics composable into a plugin

#3810: Use infrequent access when uploading provider TSVs

#3786: Add a documentation page describing the different parts of the Openverse stack

#3769: `mature` -> `sensitive` code changes for the API

#3763: Add proportional staging index dag

#3719: Implementation Plan: Bulk moderation actions

#3528: Replaced `get_token_info` calls with the `request.auth.application`

#3444: Add API schema tests using schemathesis

Closed issues

#3781: `Send Slack message` CI step failure

#3723: `mature` -> `sensitive` code changes for the API

#3514: Remove unnecessary `get_token_info`

#3488: Create a DAG for creating es indices proportional by provider

#3446: Use property-based testing for the API

#3201: Add a documentation page describing the different parts of our stack

#2486: Add Free Music Archive to the "External Sources" frontend feature

#1967: Implementation Plan: Bulk moderation actions

#1362: Include UA string on every request made by the DelayedRequester

#1787: Archive TSVs saved on S3 at lower (cheaper) access level (original #376)

Merged PRs

#812: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

#810: Remove unnecessary `register_with_target_group`

#809: Bump ingestion server version

#808: Add openverse-catalog bucket lifecycle rule

#805: Add new API domain environment variables

#804: Extract load balancer listener management out of generic service modules

Closed issues

#772: Remove register_with_target_group option from ec2-service to simplify the module

#771: Extract security group configuration out of `generic/service` and `generic/ec2-service` into new security group module

#770: Extract load balancer rule and cloudflare domain provisioning out of `generic/service` and `generic/ec2-service`

#openverse, #week-in-openverse

This post was originally published on Make Openverse by dhruvkb.

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