Back end simplify

Hi everybody!
We have a web shop based on a simple theme that got a back office for publish products into the web shop. After I look around a bit I see there is a lot of really nice working solutions where You add all information and prices etc, really user friendly.

That we got is not user friendly and I tried to show a staff member how to do, but we even failed together. To be able to do this shop with reasonable effort we need a really user friendly interface that not demand a master degree to manage.

The page is responsive if You think its easier to choose another template. The menus is like we wish them. The overall look (except pictures and text) is like we want them.

Its just the part of adding products to the shop that´s way out of border compared to the best pages.

I don´t write more about this, I am scared I narrow down the possible nice solutions, and instead I look forward to suggestions how to transform our page to the best and simple tool for selling art, lamp, statues, clocks, watches and collectibles.

Don´t hesitate to contact me if You have questions. We don´t have any time pressure, we look forward to a nice backoffice instead of a quick finish…

Kind regards
Jorgen Karrman

This post was originally published on Jobs by jobposter.

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