WP Developer


I need a Multi Vendor Marketplace for Building Materials and Construction Services for a Startup.
Headless / Multi Channel eCommerce.
Mobile First.
Design & UI / UX Skills + Development Skills.

It’s OK if you don’t know something, but you should be able to research & learn and implement. Self Start and independent worker.

You would be one of the first employees and we are pet friendly and we are OK with Work from Home / work at your convenient hours, as long as you meet your deadlines and milestones. May need to come in for a meeting or can be done online / virtual.

Opportunity for a wide range of experiences, not only limited to your field, as a startup you would be wearing multiple hats and expected to contribute to solve any problems / issues that may arise, even if it in a different department / field of work.

I would also require ongoing maintenance.


This post was originally published on WordPress.net Jobs by jobposter.

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