A week in Openverse: 2024-04-01 – 2024-04-08

Merged PRs

#3989: Create the moderation decision model

#3991: Update dependency fakeredis to v2.21.3

#3996: Update dependency elasticsearch to v8.13.0

#4000: Publish changelog for api-2024.

#4002: Selectively update API deps and undo unrelated updates

#4008: Publish changelog for api-2024.

#4027: Remove provision for missing fields on `Hit`

#4032: Remove potentially problematic `do_not_wait_for`


#3997: Update dependency flaky to v3.8.1

#4004: Increase Wikimedia request timeout

#4010: Update dependency tldextract to v5.1.2

#4014: Filter out duplicates from `raw_tags` in the catalog v2

#4029: Improve testing import behavior for the catalog

#4041: Clarify Batched Update DAG docs with use cases for failure recovery


#4012: Add log insights querying information for Nuxt 5XX errors

#4017: Replace docker-compose with docker compose in just scripts and docs


#3975: VTag improvements

#3988: Add context comments to i18n key

#3990: Update dependency @playwright/test to v1.42.1

#3992: Update dependency prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to v0.5.13

#3994: Update Node.js to v18.20.0

#3995: Update dependency async-mutex to ^0.5.0

#3999: Add SEO properties to collection pages

#4001: Publish changelog for frontend-2024.

#4018: Replace implicit getBy* assertion in `v-modal` test

Ingestion Server

#3996: Update dependency elasticsearch to v8.13.0

#4017: Replace docker-compose with docker compose in just scripts and docs

#4042: Publish changelog for ingestion_server-2024.


#3993: Update workflows

#4017: Replace docker-compose with docker compose in just scripts and docs

#4021: Bump pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0 in /utilities/project_planning

#4022: Bump pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0 in /utilities/provider_tallies

#4028: Handle PR automations when quick succession of PR approved and merged

Closed issues

#1996: Implementation Plan: Clearly document all media properties in catalog in API & Frontend

#3636: Create `ModerationDecision` table

#3945: Log when source query parameter contains invalid values


#3926: Update `raw_tags` to avoid duplicates in the catalog

#4003: Increase Wikimedia request timeout


#3896: Project Proposal: Incorporate Rekognition data into the catalog


#617: Translation strings partials should be linked with the whole sentence.

#790: More descriptive screen reader text for search page headings

#1996: Implementation Plan: Clearly document all media properties in catalog in API & Frontend

#2321: Remove implicit `@testing-library` `get*` assertions: `v-modal.spec.js`

#3190: Refactor and improve `VTag` component

#3917: Add SEO properties to the collection pages


#3973: Set expectation of Docker compose v2 and update references and compose file appropriately

Merged PRs

#829: Deploy Airflow with Ansible

#830: Add min/max values to CPU and Memory ECS graphs in Cloudwatch

#831: Explicitly declare HTTPS always for cloudflare

Ingestion Server

#836: Bump ingestion server


#832: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

#834: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

Closed issues

#356: Manage "HTTPS Everywhere" filter for domains

#666: Configure monitoring index lifecycle policy

#774: Create new `concrete/airflow` module in `next` modules; create Ansible playbook for spinning up Airflow on the EC2 instance

#openverse, #week-in-openverse

This post was originally published on Make Openverse by dhruvkb.

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