A week in Openverse: 2024-04-08 – 2024-04-15

Merged PRs

#4031: Add warning to search response when source parameter has mixed validity

#4056: Show the additional search views documentation on the API docs site

#4062: Bugfix to ensure image type is correctly extracted from content type

#4078: Publish changelog for api-2024.

#4098: Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /api


#4060: Fix: Escape space in `just catalog/test` directory injection

#4061: Refactor: Remove `get_media_type()` redundant override in providers with a single media type

#4071: Reduce visual footprint of DAG Alerts in Slack


#4084: Fix the feature flags in production on hydration

#4095: Bump idna from 3.4 to 3.7 in /documentation


#4009: Related endpoint error is still sent to Sentry

#4011: Handle global audio play errors

#4043: Turn on additional search views frontend

#4044: Add `SEARCH_RESPONSE_TIME` event

#4048: Update jest packages

#4049: Update dependency typescript to v5.4.4

#4050: Update pnpm to v8.15.6

#4052: Update dependency postcss-focus-visible to v9

#4054: Replace `focus:` with `focus-visible:`

#4057: Update Node.js to v18.20.2

#4058: Update dependency node-html-parser to v6

#4066: Fix: Remove unwanted leading/trailing whitespaces in attributions

#4079: Publish changelog for frontend-2024.

#4084: Fix the feature flags in production on hydration


#4051: Add logging to all dag-sync exits

Ingestion Server

#4097: Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /ingestion_server


#4059: Update workflows to v6 (major)

#4069: Update print_ps() to use Docker Compose ps JSON output

#4090: Add emojis to the project thread reminder bot acceptable statuses

#4094: Bump idna from 3.4 to 3.7 in /automations/python

#4096: Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /utilities/project_planning

Closed issues

#723: Drop `_package` suffix from module names in API

#3750: Image type used for thumbnails is sometimes incorrectly extracted from the content type

#4023: Create a script to automatically generate media properties in the API and frontend

#4030: Improve invalid source parameter handling

#4055: Switch on the display of the API additional search views documentation


#1370: Upgrade to Python 3.11

#1385: Remove unnecessary boilerplate implementations of `get_media_type`

#1566: Remove duplicated tags

#2186: Create a script to automatically generate media properties

#3987: Reduce/Improve visual footprint of DAG Alerts in Slack

#4013: Science Museum queries may occasionally fail due to upstream bug

#4091: Use batched update to clean up empty JSON objects in tags fields


#3877: Add docs for including machine-generated Arabic translations in e2e tests


#553: Trim leading/trailing whitespace from attribution copy button result

#2471: Add `SEARCH_RESPONSE_TIME` analytics event

#3487: `NotSupportedError` when trying to play audio

#3775: `SEARCH_TIME_EVENT` is unusable due to plausible and CORS limitations

#4006: Related endpoint error is still sent to Sentry

#4023: Create a script to automatically generate media properties in the API and frontend

#4035: Switch the `additional_search_views` flag on in staging and prod

#4047: Update jest to the newest version

#4082: Switchable flags don't work in production

#4087: VCheckbox element logical state not updated to match the state stored in the application


#2340: Add maintainer oriented documentation with guidelines and expectations for "good first issue" and "help wanted" issues

#3876: Switch to Docker Compose v2

Merged PRs

#837: Roll out Airflow in next/production with Ansible


#845: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

Closed issues

#468: Manage Sentry projects and settings in Terraform


#468: Manage Sentry projects and settings in Terraform


#775: Port all Airflow Cloudflare rules from openverse.engineering to openverse.org

#776: Run a data refresh and provider dags on the new Airflow instance

#openverse, #week-in-openverse

This post was originally published on Make Openverse by dhruvkb.

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