A week in Openverse: 2023-02-08 – 2023-02-15

Merged PRs

#398: Bump ipython from 8.3.0 to 8.10.0 in /automations/python

#395: Change authentication token

#376: Match frontend linting dependency versions to frontend/pull/2121

#369: chore(deps): update alex-page/github-project-automation-plus action to v0.8.3

Closed issues

#391: PR Project Automation is failing


#387: Baseline SEO improvements

#386: iFrame removal

Merged PRs

#993: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

#974: Update Europeana endpoint

#969: Add dayshift to tsv filenames for reingestion workflows

Closed issues

#1000: Jobe Alert


#768: Load_data steps for `image` skipped during Wikimedia reingestion

#766: Update to new version of Phylopic API

#109: Update Europeana endpoint and accomodate v2 API changes

Merged PRs

#1140: Bump ipython from 8.9.0 to 8.10.0 in /api

#1139: Bump ipython from 8.9.0 to 8.10.0 in /ingestion_server

#1135: Bump cryptography from 39.0.0 to 39.0.1 in /api

#1082: Add zero-downtime deployments & data transformations guide

Closed issues

#1030: Add documentation describing the data migration process we should follow

Merged PRs

#2184: Reduce GlotPress limit further to ensure all languages

#2177: Use h1 for the main heading on the homepage

#2172: Make translations more reliably present in all environments

#2169: Update common’s size estimate to 2.5 billion

#2166: Update URL in opensearch.xml

#2165: Group localized URLs of the same page in the sitemap

#2161: Ensure the lineage is traced correctly

#2160: Fix homepage zooming on iPhone

#2158: Minify homepage images

#2157: Baseline SEO improvements

#2156: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

#2155: Fix the header scrolling

#2154: Enable new header feature flag in production

#2149: Remove ring offset to reduce ring thickness

#2147: Tighten the condition for audio playback to continue across pages

#2144: Increase horizontal padding in mobile search grid

#2140: Update content switcher tabs fonts and icons to match the mockups

#2121: Update eslint- and prettier- related dependencies

#2120: Update babel-related dependencies

#2109: Extract Prometheus module

#2104: Add Debounce to filter selection

#2101: Update search term when navigating with browser`s back and forward buttons

#2093: Serve Prometheus metrics on a separate port; fix metrics development workflow

Closed issues

#2176: The first heading on the home page should be `h1`

#2170: Not all locales show up in picker

#2164: Sitemap is not correct for i18n routes

#2159: Missing Translation Strings

#2151: Browser zoom-in the search input on mobile when typing

#2150: The header is not fixed when scrolling to bottom

#2133: Increase padding of search results grid on mobile size

#2129: Focus outline thickness is incorrect in the ‘Clear filters’ button

#2118: Audio keeps playing on a single image result

#2082: Add the search term as a query parameter to the single result page

#2010: Minimize the use of JS for layout in the VAudioTrack component

#2009: Menu and breakpoint improvement in new header

#1295: Homepage search type buttons for small width viewports run off screen in languages with longer labels

#810: Requests to invalid / non-existent resources should return a 404 HTTP status

#811: Photos > Images should use a server-side, not client-side redirect

#812: All pages should output a canonical URL tag

#813: Add hreflang directives

#505: Debounce filter selection

Merged PRs

#373: Update @dhruvkb‘s SSH key in `globally_authorized_keys`

#372: Sync config with actual infra

#371: Include deployment secrets in `WordPress/openverse`

#370: Add note about nuxt memory usage after deploy

#369: Bump API to v2.7.5

#368: Bump catalog-airflow from v1.5.0 to v1.5.1

#367: synced file(s) with WordPress/openverse

#365: Split next root modules by service

Closed issues

#347: Split `next` root modules’ `main.tf` into separate files for each service

#openverse, #week-in-openverse

This post was originally published on Make Openverse by Dhruv Bhanushali.

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